
The 1st DECOD Workshop is the first  annual meeting of the SPa-DisCo International Research Network funded by the CNRS (co-funded by  CentraleSupélec, Univ. Paris-Sud, IPSA and iCode). The theme of this edition is 

Incorporating constraints on the Analysis of Distributed Parameter Systems.

The workshop will focus on the most relevant and innovative methods to study distributed parameter systems and delay systems in the presence of constraints.

The workshop will bring together members of the international community to promote discussions and collaboration on topics related to the workshop theme. The SPa-DisCo network is formed by more than 50 researchers from Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Sweden,Turkey and the United Kingdom.   


Organizing Committee

- Giorgio Valmorbida

- Silviu-Iulian Niculescu

- Islam Boussaada


Local Arrangements

- Maryvonne Giron

- Laurence Antunes

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